Since it is now possible to log on to the Aloaha Form Provider Designer with a Blockchain Wallet people are asking how to create such a wallet.
First of all it is essential to know that such a Wallet is basically nothing more than a public / private key pair. The private key itself must be stored somewhere securely since the owner of the private key has access to all funds connected to the address. The hash of the public key is the address in case someone wants to send you funds.
If the private key is printed on a piece of paper it is called a Paper Wallet. Obviously if you need to use it you need some form of electronic storage. Some provider offer online storages which we consider as highly dangerous since you have no control over the security of the used servers. Better are local storages on your computer.
The Aloaha Blockchain Wallet is basically a highly encrypted storage in your own web browser. Like that the private key never ever leaves your computer.
To create a new Wallet / Blockchain Address just go to and click "Generate New Mnemonic Phrase. You will see now a 12 word phrase like:
brass rather voice drift addict shell major wedding trash canyon blue divert

NEVER EVER share this Mnemonic Phrase with ANYONE! It is your private key in a more human-friendly way!
To store your new private key / Mnemonic Phrase you now need to enter a secure password into the password field and press the logon button. You will now be taken to a new dialog which shows you your public address (basically the hash of the public key). The address for the above mentioned key is: 0x858032b7c8ac6aaf68decaed3c0088a16ff0271e

From now on you need only your password as the Mnemonic Phrase is saved securely encrypted in your web-browser and never leaves it.
In case you ever forget your Mnemonic Phrase you can go again to, enter your password and click "Show Your Mnemonic Phrase".
Please note that it is a good idea to use different private keys / Mnemonic Phrases for different tasks. For example you use one key to hold funds and one key you use for authentication purposes.

If you are using a mobile you could just make a photo with your QR Scanner of the image on the right to create your browser wallet.