Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) will revolutionize societies and businesses
Within the next few years your business will be somehow using Blockchain technologies as Blockchain is much more than just a platform for virtual currencies. Blockchain technologies are bound to heavily impact the fabric of the global economy. There will be strategic implications for entrepreneurs, business leaders, managers and just about anybody running a business. […]
Aloaha Mobile Wallet has been released
The Aloaha Mobile Wallet is a HTML5/JavaScript based mobile blockchain wallet to host your private key and to access smart contracts running in the Aloaha Blockchain. The private key saved in your wallet will never ever leave your browser/phone and is also stored AES encrypted in your browsers secure storage. Nevertheless you can always remove […]
Aloaha eForms now with full Blockchain Integration
The Aloaha eForms Provider is a server based software which allows the user to create HTML, responsive HTML and dynamic PDF forms with an easy to use WYSIWYG Online Editor. Blockchain Payments When filling up an eForm to apply for something usually some fees apply and need to be paid externally. Now with the Aloaha […]
Logon to Aloaha Blockchain via QR Code
Obviously you can also logon to the Aloaha Blockchain via QR Code. Just make a picture of the one of the QR Codes below, open the link and wait a few seconds to logon. Or click here: Logon Demo 1 User Or click here: Demo 2 User In case you are operating your own node […]
Publish Alias and Public Key for encrypted messaging
In order to encrypt a message for someone else you need the public key and the Blockchain address (actually the hash of the public key) Furthermore it can be sometimes pretty cumbersum to find someones Blockchain address since there is no central registry. Aloaha makes it easy to assign an Alias to your Blockchain address […]
Encrypted Messaging on the Aloaha Blockchain
Every transaction on a Blockchain is public! As you may know, transactions made on most Blockchains are publicly available to everyone. Either by querying a node directly via RPC, or by using a user friendly block explorer allow you to browse transactions, balances, smart contracts and any other piece of data on the Blockchain. However, […]
Malta and Blockchain
Malta is one of the first countries in the world regulating Blockchain technology via 3 bills: The Malta Digital Innovation Authority Bill (MDIA) The Technology Arrangements and Services Bill (TAS) The Virtual Currencies Bill (VC) The three bills produce a comprehensive and unique legal framework in Malta that offers legal certainty and regulatory coverage of […]
The Difference Between Utility Tokens and Equity Tokens
Initial coin offerings (ICOs) — sometimes called token generation events (TGEs) — are fundamentally changing the nature of early seed fundraising, and they have the potential to alter the mainstream investment ecosystem itself. Through ICOs, start-ups can raise capital by issuing crypto tokens on a blockchain, most commonly that of Ethereum, and sell them to […]

RFC3161 compliant time stamps
For some jurisdictions Blockchain based timestamps might not be legally enough. For that reason we integrated our Aloaha TimeNotary into the Aloaha Blockchain Solutions. Any transaction submitted to the Blockchain is now additionally RFC3161 timestamped. This includes also all transactions of the VallettaCoin. You can use the inbuilt RFC 3161 compliant Timestamping Server with posting […]

Aloaha Form Server now supports myID authentication
The Aloaha eForm Server is a solution to design and manage eforms in HTML, responsive HTML and PDF format. It has its inbuilt user management but supports also various governments eID authentication solutions. Now Aloaha eForm Server customer and user are able to use the Aloaha Attestation Server as a myID or bID (Blockchain ID) authentication server for back- and […]