The base currency of the Aloaha Blockchain is called “Aloaha“. It is comparable to Ether in Ethereum but the difference is that in the Aloaha Blockchain the intrinsic value of Aloaha is ZERO.
Every user needs Aloahas to transfer any other coin hosted on the Aloaha Blockchain. You can mine them yourself or just send and email to to request free Aloahas.
To be able to transfer Aloahas or to request free Aloahas from us you need to first load your private “Mnemonic Phrase” into your browser storage*.
(*) Obviously the key will never leave your browser.
In case you do not have an address and “Mnemonic Phrase” you can just create one with the button “Generate New Mnemonic Phrase” on page Please note that only if you entered a password into the password field a “Mnemonic Phrase” will be created. More details can be found HERE.
Once you loaded your “Mnemonic Phrase” into your local browser storage you can use it to sign transactions such as a transfer of the Aloaha.
To transfer just go to:
Obviously you need a balance on your test account to be able to carry out a transfer. Just contact and send us your Aloaha Blockchain Address so we send you some Aloaha into your account.
In case you want to use our demo account: 0x858032b7c8ac6aaf68decaed3c0088a16ff0271e
with private key: brass rather voice drift addict shell major wedding trash canyon blue divert
Just click on the link below, enter any password and click Logon.
Please note that all balances will be resetted to zero after certification of the Aloaha Blockchain
You need your own coin? Just contact us on and let us know your requirements.