Aloaha Blockhain-Provider - masters innovation

fast – efficient – secure


Electronic Forms with #Blockchain Integration

Forms designed with the Aloaha e-Form Provider are already fully Blockchain integrated due to its inbuilt Blockchain Wallet.

That means that you can authenticate to e-forms, digitally sign a submitted form and directly pay form fees from inside the electronic form itself.


  • Java Script Enabled Browser
  • Private Key in form of a Mnemonic Phrase

Please note that private keys never ever leave your web browser and can optionally stored on a smart card.

A sample Mnemonic Phrase you can use for testing is:

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Please note that if you are asked for a password then it is not an authentication password but a password to be used to securely AES Encrypt your Mnemonic Phrase in your browsers secure storage. This allows you to re-use your Mnemonic Phrase in future session with just entering your encryption password instead of entering the full Mnemonic Phrase.

Sample Form “Rental Declaration Form” as used by many governments:

This uses basic Blockchain Authentication please it digitally signs the form on submission with your private key:

Sample form including Blockchain payment:

Potential form fees can be paid directly from within the form with just clicking the yellow Coin Image. Once the payment has been received the button will change its appearance and a transaction ID will be written to the transaction ID field.

For example:

My Health Doctors Access Consent Form:

Below you find two sample My Health forms. The first one without Blockchain Authentication:

The second form below will not only carry out a Blockchain authentication of the user but also will digitally sign the submitted form data with the private key of the authenticated user.

(please enter any password in case you are asked for a password)