Aloaha Blockhain-Provider - masters innovation

fast – efficient – secure


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) will revolutionize societies and businesses

Within the next few years your business will be somehow using Blockchain technologies as Blockchain is much more than just a platform for virtual currencies.

Blockchain technologies are bound to heavily impact the fabric of the global economy. There will be strategic implications for entrepreneurs, business leaders, managers and just about anybody running a business.

Aloaha is already supporting various propriatry eID Logon mechanism in its Aloaha eForms  Provider.

But why do citizen need to spend significant time to inform local authorities and other third-parties about their change in address? It would be more convenient if such changes could be inputted through an eID online portal and all necessary updates would be automatically performed.

Why is this not happening? Is it data security, trust or has the new GDPR regulation made it more challenging?

With our Aloaha eForms Provider and its Blockchain integration a solution exists already. Aloaha bulild a 3-dimensional double encrypted distributed database on top of its Blockchain that is capable of doing exactly this. The citizen can securely maintain his while the government, banks, hospitals can consent and approve that data. All without fear of data breaches or GDPR regulations.

Aloahas software solution is a highly interoperable, scalable and secure solution designed to decentralize and automate complicated processes, making them faster, more efficient and reliable, traceable and immutable, and GDPR compliant. The Aloaha Solution comes as SDK/Toolkit and as WYSIWYG Editor that allows system architects and end user to build their own DLT-ready interfaces that securely exchange official data.

For example citizens can change their address online through the eForms portal and after a few seconds, any authorized organisation would have seamless access to your new address.

Data is only stored in one place in our 3-dimensional double encrypted database and only accessed when needed, thus eliminating data duplication and inaccuracies. This is not only limited to eID applications, but it can be implemented in health, education, registries, local authorities and law enforcement. The immutability and transparency of the DLT technology makes it possible that official documents, such as a report given by an emergency doctor, can be recognized in courts without the doctor having to attend to the court hearing.

Aloahas proven technology is limitless and can be used for factories, insurance, banks, cargo, shipping, iGaming and many more. A smart contract involving numerous stakeholders can be rolled out with just a click.

You want to test our eForm with Blockchain Authentification, eID Data retrival and payment? Have a look HERE.

You can also just use the QR Code below to access a test form (you can also click on it). Just enter anything in the password field when asked.

Interested to learn more? Call us or send us an email to for further information or a demonstration.

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