Aloaha Blockhain-Provider - masters innovation

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Encrypted Blockchain Messaging via Aloaha Mobile Wallet

A very important feature of the Aloaha Mobile Wallet is the double encrypted Blockchain messaging. All messages are encrypted in the wallet itself with the public keys of of the sender and recipient to guarantee that nobody is able to intercept the messages.

To be able to test the encrypted messaging you need a wallet with positive balance. To make testing easier we created two testing accounts with the following Mnemonic Phrases:

demo1: brass rather voice drift addict shell major wedding trash canyon blue divert

demo2: story ill trade unable dice reduce unfold choose cheese federal can address

Additional to the Mnemonic Phrases you will be asked for a password which will be used to encrypt the Mnemonic Phrase in your browser so you do not have to type it in every time. If you click on the above links we will set automatically the password to aa and log you in.


  • To be able to exchange encrypt messages you need a positive balance on your account. This is just to make sure that only active accounts are used. You are not billed for the messages.
  • Since messages are encrypted with the public key of the sender and the recipient the recipients needs to know also the public key of the sender. You can either send the recipient your public key via a different channel or you click in the Mobile Wallet Menu on "My Data" and then you click on "Publish Key". The key is then published in the Blockchain itself to be found by possible message recipients.
    Publish Public Key
    Publish Public Key


  • In order to send a message you also need to know the Blockchain address of the recipient. Since such addresses are quite long and difficult to remember it is possible to set an alias/nickname.  You can freely choose it yourself as long it is not used already by someone else. To set an alias/nickname again to "My Data", enter your alias in the field "My Alias" and press the button "Publish Alias"
    Set Alias
    Set Alias


Send encrypted Blockchain Message

  1. Enter the recipients Blockchain address into field "Recipient Address" OR enter his Alias and press the button "Resolve Recipient"
  2. The button "Resolve Recipient" also fills the field "Recipient Public Key" in case the recipient has published it prior to the Blockchain. Otherwise you need retrieve it via a different channel and fill it in manually.
  3. It is required that every Message carries a Message ID. If you use it more than once please note that a previous message with the same ID will be overwritten.
  4. Last but not least you write your message in the "Message" field. Optionally you can choose a file to be attached to the message. Please note that that file must not be larger than 1MB. Files are stored double encrypted in the Aloaha Swarm Network:
  5. When you press the button "Encrypt and Submit Data" the data is encrypted with the senders and the recipients public key and published to the Blockchain. Once the Blockchain confirmed the message you can read your own message with the button "Read my Data".
  6. To read a message sent to you you need to press the button "Receive Data".

QR Code for Recipient:

The QR Code under the message contains the senders public address, public key and message id. You could send this QR Code via an alternative channel to your recipient in case you have not published your public key and/or Alias to the Blockchain. The recipient then can scan it with the inbuilt QR Code Scanner of the Wallet to decrypt the message with his private key.

If you click on the QR Code a Mail Window opens which contains the same link with the public address, public key and message ID. With a click on that link the recipient could open you message even if you have not published your public key to the Blockchain.

This link of the QR Code on the right is:


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