Aloaha Blockhain-Provider - masters innovation

fast – efficient – secure



Encrypted Messaging on the Aloaha Blockchain

Every transaction on a Blockchain is public! As you may know, transactions made on most Blockchains are publicly available to everyone. Either by querying a node directly via RPC, or by using a user friendly block explorer allow you to browse transactions, balances, smart contracts and any other piece of data on the Blockchain. However, […]

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Login to Online Form Designer now possible via Blockchain

Authenticate to the Aloaha e-Forms Provider with your Ethereum keys Users with a valid Ethereum account are now able to logon to the Aloaha Online Form Designer. In case you do not have an account you can easily create one with the Aloaha Chain Provider. Before being able to logon to an existing account you […]

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Create Account with Aloaha Chain Provider

Since it is now possible to log on to the Aloaha Form Provider Designer with a Blockchain Wallet people are asking how to create such a wallet. First of all it is essential to know that such a Wallet is basically nothing more than a public / private key pair. The private key itself must […]

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